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- From jcj@sunCe.tellabs.com (jcj) Tue Jan 21 13:35:35 1992
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!paul.rutgers.edu!dorm.rutgers.edu!ieee.org!sdd.hp.com!usc!rpi!uwm.edu!linac!tellab5!news
- From: jcj@sunCe.tellabs.com (jcj)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: Did a little research on Zeta Ret.
- Message-ID: <1992Jan21.183535.25572@tellab5.tellabs.com>
- Date: 21 Jan 92 18:35:35 GMT
- Sender: news@tellab5.tellabs.com (News)
- Distribution: na
- Organization: Trough and Brew
- Lines: 45
- Nntp-Posting-Host: sunce
- At Don Allen's urging to the Net, I decided to do a little research
- into the Reticulan stories. I didn't want to wade through a bunch
- of weirded out crap about "pyramid-based space brothers" and such, so
- I decided to assume the LGM (little grey men) got here by means unknown
- and look at the astronomy of the situation instead. Unfortunately, I'm
- an hour away from my alma mater's physics and astro library, so I had
- to rely on whatever books I still had lying around after being out
- of the business for 12 years.
- Item number 1: Zeta Ret. is a double star. Normally, it's pretty
- unlikely that a planet in a binary system could harbor life due to high
- radiation fluxes and wide temperature variations. These are caused by
- complex orbits and gravitational perturbations by the nearness of the
- companion star; I invite you to read some celestial mechanics to verify
- this. Actually, planetary formation itself can be a real bitch if the
- stars are too close. However, my info doesn't indicate if it's a *visual*
- double or a *physical* double i.e. binary. If the system is only a visual
- double with a common proper motion (motion measured against much more
- distant stars which can be considered fixed) caused by formation in roughly
- the same area of space, the arguments about a minimal or non-existent
- "lifezone" are not applicable. So, we need to determine if this baby is a
- physical double or not.
- Item 2: My info gave an M-K spectral classification for the two stars
- as G1 and G2. Our sun is a G2 star, but it's a dwarf star, indicated
- by a third element: G2V (Roman numeral five). The classification is
- important because the hotter/more massive a star is, the faster it
- burns its fuel and dies. The Pleaidian stories have a major flaw:
- the Pleiades are type O and B stars and therefore can't have existed
- for very long. The probability of life evolving on planets around
- those stars in that time frame (million versus billions of years) is
- small plus you've got a lot of radiation coming off those puppies. Yeah,
- yeah, "But they just colonized that area!", sigh. Anyway, a gentleman at
- Princeton U. was kind enough to supply me with the complete measured
- classifications. There will be some variation depending on observer,
- technique, etc. but the consensus is one star is a G1V and the other is a
- G2V. Before we jump to conclusions, we need to consider that a lot of
- stars in the Solar neighborhood are relatively cool and are dwarfs, so
- this might not be any big deal. On the other hand, spectrally, the LGM
- picked the "right" kind of star from which to originate.
- I'm going to try to dig up more of the physical properties of the system
- and follow up on this. Corrections of my info and critiques of my
- reasoning are encouraged and welcomed. And for the record, I'm still a
- skeptic (F=ma and at relativistic speeds mass goes to infinity).
- From ron@vort.uucp (Ron Hill) Wed Jan 22 05:59:40 1992
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!rutgers!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!van-bc!ubc-cs!alberta!cpsc.ucalgary.ca!vort!ron
- From: ron@vort.uucp (Ron Hill)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: Re: Did a little research on Zeta Ret.
- Message-ID: <1992Jan22.105940.10126@vort.uucp>
- Date: 22 Jan 92 10:59:40 GMT
- References: <1992Jan21.183535.25572@tellab5.tellabs.com>
- Distribution: na
- Organization: VORT Computing Calgary, Alberta, Canada ...calgary!vort
- Lines: 56
- I suspect this is old hat to most of the readers of this group, but the
- question of alien abductions was examined in the yearly "fringe science"
- (their term, not mine. no flames, please) program on Quirks and Quarks
- last year. For the uninitiated, Quirks and Quarks is CBC Radio's weekly
- science program. Zeta Reticuli figured prominently in the story, so I
- thought I'd add my 20 millibux worth. This is all from memory, so any
- inaccuracies are mine.
- ZR1 and ZR2 are not considered to be graviationally bound, and are about
- two light-weeks apart. They were brought up during the program because of
- details from a September 1961 abduction incident. I won't talk about the
- incident itself; that is covered well in _The Interrupted Journey_ by John
- G. Fuller (Dial Press, New York, 1966.) Apparently, during the abduction
- the woman was shown a star map. There was no scale given and no
- orientation specified, but there were lines connecting the stars that were
- on "trade" routes or "exploration" routes. A copy of the map was included
- in the Fuller's book, and when it was published, astromomers tried to find
- a match between the map and stars in our neighbourhood. In the mid-70's
- (I think) an amateur astronomer, working from a 3-D "beads on wires"
- model, found such a match. Interestingly, to spot it, she had to remove
- from her model all stars except for old, single, quiescent, main sequence
- yellow dwarves. All such stars in our neighbourhood were present in the
- map and only those stars. In addition, all the route lines were
- consistent with minimum distances. Her map was subsequently published in
- Astronomy magazine (I can't remember the exact date, mid-70's is the best
- I can do.) The Zeta Reticuli pair was most prominent in the original map,
- and many of the lines radiated from one of the two stars. Old Sol is on a
- "trade" route. (Has anybody tried to sell you a used saucer lately? :-)
- The program tried to present a journalistically balanced view of abduction
- episodes. A neurologist was interviewed; he attributed abduction events
- to hallucinations induced by hyperactivity in the hippocampus and the
- amygdala. An historian who has interviewed ~50 abductees (~300 episodes)
- was also interviewed; he says there are too many similarities in fine
- details between events to make it possible to dismiss them as
- hallucinations. He didn't discuss many of the details, doesn't want to
- spoil future data collection with fakes.
- I suspect that the show's host was more affected by it than he would
- (probably) care to admit. A few months later, there was a piece on the
- establishment of the first southern hemisphere SETI installation (in
- Chile, I think), and the host brought up Zeta Reticuli specifically.
- Reticulum is a southern hemisphere constellation. The interviewee said he
- wasn't privy to the targeting schedule, and it was left at that.
- My impression of the star map is that one could probably find a good match
- between *any* set of points drawn on paper and an actual star field, if
- one looked hard enough. On the other hand, this is the only solid match
- that's ever been found (there is one in Fuller's book, but it's way off.)
- I'd like to hear from a statistician on this point in particular, but if
- anyone has further information on the analysis of the map, feel free to
- jump in.
- Fun stuff, but who really knows?
- -RJH (ron@vort.cuc.ab.ca)
- From sheaffer@netcom.COM (Robert Sheaffer) Thu Jan 23 00:25:50 1992
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!rutgers!sun-barr!cs.utexas.edu!usc!apple!netcomsv!sheaffer
- From: sheaffer@netcom.COM (Robert Sheaffer)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: Re: Did a little research on Zeta Ret.
- Message-ID: <1992Jan23.052550.7791sheaffer@netcom.COM>
- Date: 23 Jan 92 05:25:50 GMT
- References: <1992Jan21.183535.25572@tellab5.tellabs.com> <1992Jan22.105940.10126@vort.uucp>
- Distribution: na
- Organization: Netcom - Online Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
- Lines: 39
- In article <1992Jan22.105940.10126@vort.uucp> ron@vort.uucp (Ron Hill) writes:
- B
- >My impression of the star map is that one could probably find a good match
- >between *any* set of points drawn on paper and an actual star field, if
- >one looked hard enough. On the other hand, this is the only solid match
- >that's ever been found (there is one in Fuller's book, but it's way off.)
- Actually, there have been THREE proposed identifications of the supposed
- alien "star map" that Betty Hill drew after her 1961 "UFO abduction."
- I go into this in considerable detail in my book, "The UFO Verdict"
- (Prometheus, 1986), where I have a whole chapter on the Hill case.
- The first "identification" is, as Ron notes, in Fuller's book, "The
- Interrupted Journey." It is simply a visual match-up by Betty Hill
- of her 'star map' with a map of the constellation Pegasus.
- The second was the famous identification by Marjorie Fish, which gave
- us "Zeta Reticuli". Among UFOlogists, this is the only one it is
- "Politically Correct" to mention. It is a 3-D map of nearby stars,
- done by stringing beads on wires. It has major flaws that the pro-UFOlogists
- never talk about, that are too complex to write down here. They are in
- The UFO Verdict. Suffice it to say that there are many inconsistencies
- and 'ad hoc' decisions in it.
- The third is a pattern detected by Charles Atterberg, using pencil
- and paper to plot the nearby stars. His accounts for more stars than
- does Fish's pattern, and while it contains many non-hospitable stars
- for life, the three main ones just 'happen' to be strong SETI candidates.
- But again, I think it's a case of 'seek long enough, and ye shall find!'.
- --
- Robert Sheaffer - Scepticus Maximus - sheaffer@netcom.com
- Past Chairman, The Bay Area Skeptics - for whom I speak only when authorized!
- "Simply follow nature, Rousseau declares. Sade, laughing,
- grimly agrees." - Camille Paglia, "Sexual Personae"